IUD or Tubiligation?

So I'm 42 and expecting my first miracle baby 4/22 a back story I was always told o could never have children we tried for over 11 years, I had gastric sleeve surgery and my body regulated and I got pregnant.  I am so blessed.  I do not want any more children due to my age and a few other reasons. After speaking with my doctor today I told her if I have a c section I would like a Tubiligation most likely I will deliver vaginally is what she seems to think based on baby being so low and ready to go.  She mentioned possibly doing it thru a small incision above belly button of coming back after 6 weeks to have orthoscopic surgery to have it done.  Then she mentioned the IUD not sure what's best at this point.  Anyone have any input on both options. I know they are both 99% effective I'm thinking more in terms or healing and less pain which is a better option.  Thank you all for any input.