Move in with who?

Martha • 💜🇺🇸✈ Player 3 pushed start 💞 5/26/16💙Mixed chick 🎶Send out the signal and I`ll fly low🎶
Ok ladies I need advice I wanted to post this in the teens page since I'm 18 soon to be mommy but I need real answers and not immature ones I've been getting from and my SO have been at this for a while of where will me and the baby stay with once he's born. I'm living with my parents and so is he for now till we get approved for our apartment, but in my house it's already cramped as can be with 8 people living in a 4 bedroom house and I'm sharing a room with my 16 year old brother and really no space for a baby and him to move in with me only if I take the sofa bed downstairs. He doesn't want that for our son. Now he has a big enough room and his mom opened up an empty room they used for storage for the 3 of us if I choose to move in with him we won't be cramped and everything fits in his room, the flaw is I'm scared to leave my home because I don't want to hurt my family or feel like I'm leaving them in the dark...I want to move in with my SO where we won't feel cramped and we'll be a family so does he but doing that I'm feeling like its a big FU to their face. It's stressing me out not sure what I should do...