Breaking up because of his training?

My so wants to be special ops in the military and his date for trying out is coming up in 4 months. I love him and want to support him the best I can so I don't know if breaking up with him is my best decision... He is my best friend and I love him a lot, I just don't know what to do. Because his date is coming up soon he wants to start training more which I'm totally fine with since he doesn't come home until around 9 or 10 at night anyways, we just go to bed right after he gets home since he has to be up really early. But now he says he wants to start staying at the barracks at night and he will see me on the weekends, just so he can get enough sleep and be able to function in the morning... I know it's probably best for him to stay at the barracks but it's not best for me, I would be miserable and sad we wouldn't be able to live together anymore and not only that but the weekends are mostly for him to work out longer and get ready for his work week... So I would only be able to see him for about 7-8 hrs on Saturday. I know everyone is going to ask well what happens when he gets deployed, and he is gone for months?
It's different for me because he is literally so close and able to come home and sleep with me at night, he has the ability to and he just won't. I know I'm going to be miserable only being able to see him 7-8hrs a weeks and I know that would stress him out and make him lose focus on his dream...So I think it might just be better for me to leave so he doesn't have to deal with me putting stress on him and he can have total focus on his dream. I don't know if I'm just being stupid for doing this or what... Please any advice