Rainbow baby❤

Leeanne • Mama to a beautiful 19 month old girl ❤, mama to be to my rainbow baby 1/10/16❤ my angel 26/12/2015

Hey everyone,

Just like to share my story,

It took me over a year and half to catch on my oldest child she is currently 19 months, I finally decided I wanted another baby straight after, I like the idea of having children close together, well I fell pregnant in November 2015, and sadly I lost my little angel at 6 weeks, I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep trying, and I found it very hard to get through,but with my family & friends around me I managed to deal with the loss, it was so hard, as I lost the baby on 26th of december 2015, day after Christmas, and a day before my 20th birthday! I'll never forget that day!

Well I wasn't feeling very well in mid January, so my partner got me a test, I did it, and I couldn't believe what I was looking at, two clear red lines that ment the whole world to me! I was nervous and very scared, I kept it quiet, but I caught straight after I lost my little angel, miracles do happen! I often think to myself, my angel sent me my rainbow baby❤ here is my rainbow baby! Currently 13+4 ❤