Opinions please

Hello, I've been TTC off and on for 2.5 years. I've never tried super hard or tracked very well but still not pregnant. I had my tubes and uterus scoped and my tubes are open and fine. I have regular periods and I'm healthy. I've recently given up a daily habit of drinking alcahol in an effort to promote health and fertility. This month about a week ago when my period was due I started having headaches and bad issues with indigestion. Every time i ate it made my stomach turn and I was constipated for like 4 days! I ate a spicy burrito and I had indigestion and acid reflux like I've never had. I eat tons of spicy food and in the last week I can't. I wasn't paying much attention to my cycle but I've kept thinking if get my period one of these days. I'm tired, my boobs hurt, all the usual period stuff. But I checked my calender today and I'm 8 days late..... I've been a day or 2 late before and I'm a day or 2 early most of the time. But over a week late? I'm to scared to test because I've been let down so many times. How likely is it after trying for so long I'm finally pregnant? And are all these stomach issues I've had related? Thanks I'm advance!