Is it considered wrong? I NEED OPINIONS!

Tamika • Twenty-One. Wisconsin. TTC my mixed princess/prince with my fiancé. Send baby dust if you have any!
I was with my now fiancé for two years or so before we split and shortly after I started dating someone else. I personally won't say the sex was better, just different from what I'd been having and I really enjoyed it. I am back with my 1st now and it's been 8 months or so since we've been engaged and we're happy, but from time to time I find myself thinking about my ex. Never during intercourse thank goodness, but I will occasionally and I really want it to stop. 😓
 I don't think there's anything to help it, but my question is, is it considered wrong to try and change how my fiancé and I do things intimately to the way my ex and I did?