My boyfriend is leaving me... Not by choice

He's my everything, we been together for 3 years. He's 17, I'm 18. He got a speeding ticket and his parents are making him move back with his dad, like 400 miles away. He means so much to me, he gets me through a lot and I've told him stuff that I never even told my parents. He was my first everything, he says he wants to stay down here for me. I want to talk to his mom, I just don't know what I would even say. He has so many people down here that care and would do anything for him, this is his life, he has been down here since he was 6. And then he has me, someone who would cross the ocean for him, do anything I would for him, he's the best thingy I have ever had. He was my first, and always my last and this breaks my heart. When he went to visit his dad ( in Memphis,TN) I was scared to death everyday because of crimes up there, and especially because he is black also. I just feel like it's better for him to be down here. He told me how when he was little he was ALWAYS at home by himself, because his dad always worked and he was happy to stay down here because his mom, stepbrother and sister and now he had friends that are basically his brothers. He doesn't feel so lonely anymore. But he says they won't listen to him even if he talks to them. I would love to talk to his mom but I just wouldn't know what to say... She's a hard one to crack. If it helps she acts VERY young for her age. Can anybody help me out ? What could I say to her ?