I feel pressured to move! (Just venting)

Lynzee • Mommy to Ammarie, born on March 3,2016!

So, I live in middle Georgia. I was born and raised here. All of my family is here.

My husband and his family is from Tennessee. When he was a child, his mom and step-dad moved with him to Georgia. But, his father, grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins are all in north west Tennessee, about 9 hours from where we live.

Well, my husband has always told me he wants to go back to Tennessee. I said that is fine, just later on. Not right now. His mom has also wanted to move back to be close to her aging father.

Long story short, my MIL is 12 years away from being able to retire from her company, but she just found out that they are expanding and opening a store about an hour from where her family lives, so she has an opportunity to become the store manager there.

But she said that she won't accept the job, unless we go to Tennessee too, because she doesn't want to be far from my daughter (her only grandchild). My husband is super excited because he already has connections to a job there in fennessee for him and he wants to move home so bad.

My MIL told my husband to keep in mind that I've only lived in Georgia, and all my family is here so not to pressure me and I can make the final decision.

I definitely don't want to stay here forever, but my grandmother is in really bad health and doesn't have much longer. My father is also in bad health, and I'd hate to take their granddaughter that far from them!

On the other hand, I do feel pressured because its my MIL's dream to manage one of her company's stores and to move back home, and my husband wants to be close to family, especially his dad-who never gets to see us or our daughter. I also want to end up in TN.. I just thought I had time!

😩 I wish they wouldn't have left this up to me.