Could I be pregnant?!

Hey everyone,
So I started the pill for the first time ever this month. Currently I'm on day two of the placebo pills and I haven't had my period yet. I started the pills mid cycle cause my doctor said I could. My leaflet and my doctor said 7 days and I'm protected so I had sex after 10 days on it but we used a condom. We've had sex a lot since I started it (it's an LDR so he's only here for a short time period so had to go all out) and have used a condom every time, no breaks or anything. Plus like I said I'm on the pill but I have read on this app people saying it doesn't kick in until a month! Even though my leaflet said 7 days!? So could I be pregnant? I've had a bit of spotting on the placebos so far but no period.