Please read girls☺️💖

I see many girls on this app who feel insecure about a lot of things. If your interested in self esteem issues I hope you can read on:     
So when I started high school when I was 11- I was extremely happy with myself- I chose to be different by having my hair extremely short (nothing wrong with that at all). My happiness made me stand out and it attracted attention. I was bullied pretty much for three to four years, sometimes it was unbareable but other times I could brush it off. Anyway so progressing into year 8 I fancied this boy. He did not look at me twice and didn't like me at all in that way due o what others thought of me. 
I completely changed myself for these idiots but in a way I'm greatful to them. Since then I've lost three stone, but that's all they changed and I feel healthy and happy. 
Please don't change yourself for anyone. By year eleven I began using makeup a lot more and teached myself full glam which I loved! But still I did this for me, no boys or for society. Fast forward to the summer at the end of high school- that boy I liked in year 8 (and for three more years after that!!) started talking. He had matured as well as me. We have now been in a steady relationship for seven months.
I am doing A Levels (he doesn't) so I'm pretty much on my own at college. I thought these people would grow up but not much has changed.
HOWEVER! I have changed. I realised and it took me a very long time that you NEED TO DO WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY! 
Want purple hair? Do it! Want to wear no makeup? Do it! 
Please don't ever ever think you can please everyone, just focus on your happiness.
It took me six pretty painful years but I am so happy- my boyfriend has changed me for the better and I love him to bits.
Of course I have days where I feel insecure and ugly but I remeber how far I've come and deal with it. 
This is me, I'm just 17 and hey I have a lot to learn- but I think your happiness is so important and I do a pretty damn good job of making sure I am.
Please do it too and it is liberating!