Allergic to a bandaid?

ⒶⓁⓁⒾⓈⓄⓃ ★★★ • Never tell me the odds
Yo. So I accidentally hurt myself doing something outrageously stupid and embarrassing and I cut my arm up. I'm in a ceramics class and I had to cover the cut up with a knee sized bandaid so it wouldn't get infected by the chemicals from the clay. Now I have a huge rash like thing the shape of a effing bandaid on my forearm. Any remedies or similar experiences? This just has never happened to me and I used another knee sizes bandaid on tha same arm like an inch above for when I accident burned myself on a toaster over. (I'm usually not this accident prone) and I never reacted like this. Also here's the area so y'all know what I'm taking about. 
Being an adult is hard.