Subchorionic Bleeding

At my first ultrasound they mentioned a small bleed but I had no physical symptoms and they told me not to worry I was 7 wks. The evening before I went for my 11 week appointment and ultrasound, I had an episode of bleeding. It was heavy. I went to the ER and waited for over 2.5 hours and was never seen. My boyfriend and I decided to leave and wait for the appointment the next day since we knew I would have another ultrasound. At the appointment they told me the baby is okay and the bleed is still present but small. They told me pelvic rest and not to lift anything over 20 pounds. I had another episode of bleeding 2 days after 11 week ultrasound. I am 12 weeks today and have not had anymore bleeding but am concerned because I have had discharge that is clear/white and gel like. I don't know if that is normal or not. I am just terrified of having a miscarriage. Any thoughts or is anyone able to relate?