Tmi-blood after sex

Friday I will be 11 weeks, and I have an appt. yesterday I was having What I thought was growing pains of the uterus. They weren't bad just small cramps. My husband and I had sex and he was getting a little rough and when I went to go pee after I realized I had blood stained thighs (like after you have sex while on your period) I wiped and there was bright red blood. I went back to the bedroom and there was a spot on the bed. It went through our sheets to our mattress protector. I put a pad on after the shower while I slept and woke up and nothing.... I cramped a little through the night but I don't know if I should go ahead and call my OBGYN or just wait and see what happens the rest of the day.... Any opinions??? I've had two miscarriages in the past. Usually they were earlier in the pregnancy