Opinions? Maybe tmi

Hi all, before you judge I am almost 18 and ttc. 
I'm due my AF today and it normally comes early hours of the morning, and I always come on with on two days of my AF's due date.
I also have sore boobs, bad back ache, nausea, emotional, heightened sex drive, pelvic pain, tummy pains/cramps/pinches, my appetite is all over the place, I'm bloated my tummy feels firmer, my ankles and legs ache and swell, cravings, tiredness, uncomfy. 
I have this creamy egg white discharge, and my nipples seem to be severely sensitive. I've had to place cotton wool pads down my bra as it seems like there a green liquid coming from my nipples, not much a few tiny spots on the cotton buds each day. 
I'm wondering could I be pregnant? 
Thank you all in advanced!