Is anyone else stressing the frig out?!


I've had two miscarriages, one at 6 and then one at 11 weeks. They both were about two years ago.

I'm pregnant now, and I'm at 8 1/2 weeks. Both me and my boyfriend (Same one as before, we've been together for a while now) are having a hard time processing it because we're so worried that I'm going to lose this one too. The first two times I had zero symptoms. I didn't even really feel pregnant. This time however I'm literally having all of the symptoms. I'm so bloated it's ridiculous, my normally clear skin is awful, and my boobs feel like they are going to fall off my body. I wasn't having any sickness until yesterday but I've been nauseous and exhausted for a few weeks. I'm hoping this is a good sign! Hahaha but I cannot wait to get my energy back.