D&C or Medication

Had an ultrasound at 6w 4d and all that was seen was a gestational sac. Dr scheduled another ultrasound at about 7w5d after I complied of one sided pain and spotting/bleeding every single day. Again, all that could be seen @ that ultrasound was the empty sac no yolk no pole... And an ectopic pregnancy was ruled out. She wanted to see me again at 9 weeks after I told her that I had bright red blood and passed a few clots on one day @ 9 weeks all that we saw again was the gestational sac- empty no pole no yolk no fetus no heartbeat... She then sent me to a radiologist because their equipment was more advanced- I go into radiologist office and she performs a Transvag ultrasound (as was all of my other ultrasounds) and an abdominal...we saw the same thing an empty sac... My Dr ruled it as an anembryonic pregnancy (blighted ovum)she went over several options-wait and see, D&C or medication... I'm torn I don't know what to do all I know is that I do not want to let it go I want to remain hopeful but it's obvious that there is no baby. So should I take the med or D&C or should I wait it out? Has anyone been through this?