Hmmmm. Irritated

Meli • Engaged. 25 with a 7yo Daughter. Baby boy born Oct 17th, Napa CA
Am I the only one who is tired of women writing on here saying how much the HATE reading about miscarriages?? Like hello I'm sorry it's so hard for you to "read" about it when a lot of the women on here have actually been through it. I know some stories may sound upsetting but that's life. We dont live in a perfect world, at least I definitely don't. I've been through it and I feel like I shouldn't have to silence that part of me ESPECIALLY on a <a href="">pregnancy app</a> where we should be supporting one another. Women should empower each other! And I almost get offended when I see people say "no miscarriage stories". Usually post about miscarriage are pretty obvious so if you don't want to read about them simply don't open them and have respect for the women who have gone through something so terrible. Maybe it's just me.