love letters

So about a year ago my bf was clearing out his car and as I searched through the seat pockets, I found old love letters from his ex. They dated a longish time. I asked him if he wanted to keep them and he said no. He made a show of tossing them in the garbage bag. One letter was a very sexual poem, the others were racy, too. I did read them cause I'm curious. So anyway, fast forward, here i am pulling a book off his shelf and out pop the letters he "threw away". Like wtf? He went back and had dug them out! Why act like you didn't want them?! She came to his mothers funeral earlier this year and he didn't introduce us....he hung out with her the entire time she was there! So i already feel bad about her. Should I ask him why he felt like sneaking? I just don't like the feelings this has brought out in me.

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