Earliest Strange Symptoms such as Eczema behind EAR??

TTC. First cycle after laproscopy. They removed endo and my left tube is still blocked but the cyst is gone.

Okay, so cut to ovulation 3 weeks later, we BD'd 3 times, once on ovulation day. (I track using strips and Glow was off by a few days.)

That was 8 days ago (8dpo)... for last couple of days I have been

Gassy. This month I drink a lot of fizzy water, though.

Bloated slightly.

Dry & flakey behind left ear. What the ... I've never had dry EARS?

Mild twinges, pinches in abdomen on each side, mostly on left.

Sooo, please help. Does this sound like I'm drinking too much fizzy water (half joke) or could I possibly be pregnant? What was your experience and the strangest symptoms you have had? Thanks.