Anger towards babies...

I remember when I first had my son and the doctors came in to discuss safety. Of course they said, "Remember, if it ever gets to the point of anger where it becomes unsafe, put the baby in a safe place. Do not shake him."

At the time all I could think was, "Oh my god, how do people do that? I couldn't imagine being that angry. Poor baby."

Now he is a few months old....and I understand. I HAVE gotten that frustrated and of course put him in his crib while I calmed down. But that feeling is so real.

So I am curious...

Do you think it is normal to get so frustrated with a baby that you are forced to put them in a safe place or you could cause harm?

Or do you feel like no parent in their right mind should have that feeling, ever?

On a side note, question for the comments...have you ever screamed or yelled at your baby out of frustration?

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