So confused...

We have been ttc for about a year. I have been off the pill for probably 2 years. Af is pretty regular with an average of 32 day cycles. I recently went in for my yearly exam (which also happened to be a new patient exam due to having to change doctor because of insurance). The doctor said she thought I may have pcos...but I have very few, if any, of the symptoms. She ordered a blood test on day 21 of my cycle to check progesterone levels (I think to make sure I am ovulating). The thing is that I was supposed to start af last Thursday...I still have not...and all pregnancy tests I have taken show negative. It is not normal for me to miss a period, but when the nurse called on Monday to tell me my pap smear came back normal, I asked her what I should do...she said to wait a week and take another pregnancy test...that missing a period is pretty normal. If I miss af entirely, though, I will have to wait until the next CD21...which will be 6-7 weeks...and, therefore reschedule my follow-up appointment with the doctor. Has anyone else had anything like this happen?