So confused (sorry for such a long post)

Sharee • PCOS, Endometriosis, hyperhomocysteinemia. 1 ectopic, 2 miscarriages 3 years ttc and praying for our rainbow baby

So I've been tracking my period using glow (LMP was Feb 16th). I finally got my BFP on March 20th which I assumed was 4 days after my period which was supposed to start on March 16th. I called to make my first appointment which is on May 4th (forever away) I called in cause I had been having cramps since March 7th anyway and I had sharp pain on my right side on March 24th. Went in that same day they saw nothing in the vaginal ultrasound and asked me was I sure I was even pregnant and if I had taken a test yet (uh duh)

They ordered me an hcg blood test that Thursday and Saturday. My levels were 518 Thursday and 899 Saturday doctor said congrats im pregnant (again duh) and that everything seemed fine except I might be earlier in my weeks than what my LMP was suggesting. And again I was questioned on my last period dates and if I was sure (duh I'm sure I use this app).

So...come Monday 2am March 28th (my birthday of course too)..I wake up to pee for the 8th time and see blood and instantly freaked forward to 8am when the doctors office opened they have me do another hcg test and tell me theyll call me with what to do next if anything needed to be one calls me back so i decide to call and ask for the results and it comes back being 1348..I also email asking about what I should do next since apparently no one believes I'm supposedly supposed to be 6 weeks preg now according to my LMP. Also bleeding stopped the next day nurse told me it was normal probably implantation bleeding which also isn't possible cause I got my BFP almost a week ago now..

next day I ask if anyone can guess how far along I am based on my numbers..I get an email saying my OBGYN that I haven't even seen yet wants me to do a follow up ultrasound at 3pm the same day (this is yesterday March 30th) I go in and guess what..nothing is in my uterus still.. different doctor says it's probably too early and I'm even less weeks than thought at my first visit with them..

so I'm beyond lost now. I know the only time I had sex in my fertile window and the only time I had sex in march was March 1st. I had sex before that but it was a week before and only happened twice.. but the last time we had sex was day 2 of my fertile window.. I don't understand how it's even possible for me to ONLY be a little over 1 week preg. Did it really take the full 7 days for me to conceive being March 8th then another 6-12 days for the egg to implant making that happen at the latest on March 20 which is when I tested BUT didn't bleed till March 28th for one day.. even tho I knew deep down I was pregnant a few days after we had sex because I felt different somehow.

A week before my period I had crazy symptoms and my boobs already started hurting and I had terrible heartburn without eating anything which I never get heartburn in the first place.. nothing adds up at all.. I'll have another ultrasound April 12 which technically I wouldn't see anything then either since I'll be "3 weeks" pregnant OH and I also took a digital test on March 24th that said 2-3 weeks pregnant on it.