Come and go symptoms? Please help!!?!?


3 days ago.... I've got horrible digestive discomfort.. Heartburn and acid reflux are almost constant, and nothing helps.. I feel like crap, and I am so so tired!! Its been like this for 2-3 days!! My boobs are slightly sore, and feel heavy.. My nipple hurt SOOO BAD!! I've got bluish lines becoming more and more prominent. And a linea nigra?? (Already?! Yeah.. I know..)

Today, I'm okay. Digestive system seems fine besides the gas I've been having for like 2 weeks now.. Occasional slight discomfort here and there.. Nothing too bad. My breasts are still slightly sore, and My nipples are still killing me. Blue lines are almost the same. Maybe a little darker. Lina nigra, same as before. Still could take a 15 hour nap after sleeping 12 hours ..

Is this normal? Is anyone else having these sort of come and go symptoms? Help me!!