Bleeding on birth control?

Hi! Okay, so, I started birth control around two months ago (I have one more week of the second pack, the placebo pills which I start this upcoming Sunday, this next pack will start thee months of birth control usage)
During the first placebo week I had (the first month pack) I never had my period, I took three pregnancy tests at different points and they each had negative (I took these test after it was official that I was late.)
But on the last day of the placebo pills I began bleeding, very lightly, it's more like bloody discharge if anything. (Sorry tmi) I've been having some cramping as well
Well the bleeding hasn't stopped. It's been almost a month since the bleeding began. Should I be worried? Or is my body still adjusting? Did any of you women experience this when you first started birth control? 
This couldn't be implantation bleeding, could it? Not if I've been bleeding this long? Today the bleeding has been heavier. I'm haven't had the need for a pad or tampon because the blessings been so light but today I needed a panty liner. Could my body be getting ready to start my "real" period next week?
Sorry! I know that's a lo of questions but I really have no one else to talk about this with, please don't judge!