F this!

Hanna • I have one beautiful little girl 3 years old! Started ttc in August 2015. Due with rainbow baby April 2017!
I give up. I'm tired of hearing my husbands relatives say maybe we just aren't ready. I can hear them in the other room at family events talking about us. We have one beautiful daughter already. Yes she is hyper and is a handful but we were ready to try again. On Easter Sunday I heard them say that it's a good thing we aren't pregnant because our daughter is too much to handle. We just had a mc in December. And I'm not over it!! They don't seem to get that. I think about it every day. When we announced our pregnancy my husbands grandmother said she wished we would have waited because my sister in law was also pregnant. She said they would be way to close! Luckily for them we lost the baby and have not had any luck since. They got their wish. And my Sil is pregnant with their 3rd! Not that I'm not happy for them but I just can't deal with it anymore. I can't stand to be around her big beautiful pregnant belly. Why didn't I get to keep my baby?