Helping me heal


Me and my husband had been trying to get pregnant with our first for 14 months. There were times when I thought it just wasn't going to happen. Then in January we found out that I was pregnant. Words cannot describe how excited we were. Then, at the end of January I had a miscarriage. I was completely devastated and heart broken. I was really struggling with the fact that I was never going to get to meet or hold my baby. I was never going to get the chance to see their sweet little face. I was struggling because I felt like my baby would just be forgotten because we never got to meet him/her.

I could put up a good front around everybody and pretend I was ok, but my husband could tell that I was still really having a hard time. So he sat me down to talk about it.

I felt like I needed to do something too remember my baby. Even if it was something just for us, I needed to do something too help me heal. I had a friend who had gone through 2 miscarriages within a few months time span. She got tattoos to remember her babies by. I'm not big on tattoos (it's the needle thing) so we talked about different ideas.

In the end this is what we did. I got this ring as a reminder of my baby. The stone is September's birth stone because that is when I was due. The band itself is an infinity symbol. It's a reminder that no matter what, even though our baby is gone, they will be with us forever. It's a never ending love.

Doing this has really helped me find some peace in this situation. I will never forget this baby and will always love them, but I have finally found some healing in this.

Just thought I would share my story. I know I'm not the only one who struggled after a miscarriage. I thought it might be helpful to someone else who is struggling.