Seriously.. What's going on?

Okay so in November, my period was late and when it came it was light and short and just weird. Then I've had periods every month on time since, but they've been lighter than usual. I've lost 30+ lbs but my belly keeps getting bigger and harder. Symptoms that I've never even heard of that I'm having are turning up to be symptoms of pregnancy when I look it up.. I even think that I'm feeling movement sometimes. I haven't been to the doc again since January and they told me I wasn't pregnant when they did a urine and I think a blood test. (Ended up having a CT scan to see that I had colitis/: poo.) I don't know what's wrong with me.. I keep thinking pregnant but then my period comes or the docs had told me in December and January that all my tests were negative... I've gotten a faint positive on a home test twice. Could I still be pregnant?