Miracle Baby on Board

After two years of struggling to start a family, my husband and I were recommended to be checked out through a fertility clinic. As luck would have it, I was told of a blockage in my left tube therefore it would be difficult to conceive naturally. We were recommended to go through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Well, as luck would have it, we were only able to start this Jan. We followed the doctor's orders regarding shots, medication, appointments, etc. Assuming everything was done correctly down to the transfer, we expected to receive a BFP after our 2ww. As luck would have it, we received a BFN. I guess someone Above knew there was something wrong, so we kept going back for follow-up appointments. Long story short, on our last visit, our Doctor asked if I had taken a pregnancy test as I was going through all of the symptoms. Just after my blood work to determine what it was I decided to go forward and take the test. To my surprise, a BFP!!!! I found out today my blood work came out positive and I'm actually 8 weeks along! So I call this baby my miracle baby! When things don't look like they are going your way, have faith! God will always prevail! 😃😃😃😃😃😃