Why I'm ready for my own family

I'm 25 and I'm ready to be a mom! That is the one thing I'm certain of right now. Lately I have felt so lost. Whoever said your twenties are the best years of your life...well I'm not feeling it. I quit my job to pursue school...again. I went to school in my early twenties and focused more on my job and making money. My husband has a good job and can support us but I need more. I think I need a part time job and I'm just so ready to be a mom! Everything in my early twenties was just BAM BAM BAM. We bought a house at 22 (dated for 6 years), got engaged, married at 23, and now we're just at a stand still. I'm still trying to figure out my career. I have so much on my mind I can hardly ever shut it off. I have no hobbies to occupy me. Well I'm at the point where my friends have their on lives (some with kids), my family is drama (thank God for my husbands family, they're great). My husband and I don't get out as much as we use to and we're not as active. Lately we've just been kinda uptight. We're responsible (have to be) and I find myself reminiscing on the past and day dreaming about the future. In a way I feel like I'm losing my identity all the things I use to care about when I was younger like style, trying to stand out, music, etc. it just doesn't matter as much anymore and maybe that's just with getting older....man I am really rambling now. Anyways I'm just ready for my own family because everyone else is preoccupied with theirs and I feel like being a mom will give me some purpose to my life and much more.