D&C today

So I found out on Tuesday that I had lost my baby. I was supposed to be 10w6 days but baby passed at 7w4 days. 2nd jab to the gut was knowing I had a healthy baby with a heartbeat at 7w2 days where I got to see and heart a heart and growth. Obviously this whole experience is sad and heart wrenching but I was trying to just stay focused on something else, so not to cry every minute of the day. Well today I go in for my D&C and everyone I met was kind and full of sympathy and compassion... Until this F***ing nurse come in that hasn't been tending to me at all, looks at my chart for 1.2 seconds and says, have they done a pregnancy test on you? ARE YOU KIDDING ME LADY!?!?! I could not believe the question this lady just asked me! Did she not see the surgery I was there to get on her paperwork!? I know it was on there, they showed it to me a million times. All I wanted to do was cry and punch her. Now I am home, in bed, hoping to feel better by reading posts and knowing I am not alone in my struggle with loss. This was my 2nd loss but first D&C. I'm sorry this is so long, I just needed to vent. I only told 4 people I was pregnant and no one that knew other than my mom knows what it's like to have a loss. Thank you for this group so I could get some anger and sadness out. I have my bff trying to make me feel better, too.