For those taking a while TTC

This is not meant to be a know-it-all piece. Just that I wanted to share what worked for me and hopefully those who have tried a while can share their success method and then for those TTC can try it out. Of course not every method has been scientifically proven etc but no harm trying !
I've been TTC for almost a year now ( I will leave the pain and despair for another story ) and I wanted to share what made me successful finally. I read about the benefits of keeping your feet and legs warm as the blood and oxygen flow circulating to your womb come from your feet and legs. So the method is pretty simple , just a foot tub soak every night and put on some socks right after that to keep the blood and oxygen flowing. Keep the socks on for the rest of the night while sleeping as well. I read this in a magazine about a celebrity who was TTC for 8 years and this method worked for her and I decided to try it out and it worked ! I'm told you could add some salts or aromatherapy oil but I just did it with hot water. But once you are pregnant, please stop this as excess heat (saunas, hot baths ) are not recommended
Wishing you all the best xoxo