
What changed in my brain that made it think that it's ok to hurt myself like this? I'm so fed up. I spent an hour on one spot because I thought I saw a hair under the skin, making it imperfect. I got some tweezers and I picked at it. I pulled away a chunk of skin and bled. I kept going until I bled through 2 tissues, made the skin extremely red and raw, and just kept going. I got down to the hair but it wouldn't budge. So I just kept picking and pulling until my fingers and hands felt numb and tingly from squeezing the tweezers for so long. Yet I couldn't stop. I kept telling myself that it would feel better when the hair is gone. I finally got the hair out but just couldn't stop because it felt too good. I knew it was wrong and that i should stop but I just couldn't. Now it hurts. It hurts so bad and I just want to know why I did it. Why I felt the need to. This is getting ridiculous.