In laws.....

Ok so my LO is 6weeks old, and one of my sister in laws and her five year old daughter came to visit this weekend and I can't wait for them to go. Her five year old is just all over the baby and I think it's too much. My LO is too young to have her sleep interrupted because the five year old wants to play, or hold her or feed her. Now I let the 5year old,( my niece unofficially lol), hold and feed my LO while I supervised but now every five minutes she asking can I hold her can I feed her and now I'm just like ok stop she not a toy, I know you love her and you want to help but enough. So last night at 1030 my Sister in law and niece walk in the room and take the baby who I'm about to feed while she mid sleep and they feed her so because they interrupted me and her my LO starts crying and going on and on. Now my boyfriend is in the room and does nothing, actually it was him who opened his mouth and said it was ok for them to feed her and I'm like no you can play with her in the morning  when she awake not at night when she winding down.  Again today at 8am while I was getting her bottle ready my niece follows me to the room and goes oo let me play with her and I'm like it's not play time she still asleep, so she sits on the bed with me and the baby and wants to talk and I said please  it's sleep time for the baby still when she gets up we can play for a bit. Now her mom doesn't say anything about respecting privacy and giving me a min since I just woke up. But anywho and I being a brat, or am I right to feel that my LO is too small for all of this and she needs some space and so do I.