Worst Birthday Ever

Yesterday was my birthday, my mom was kind enough to throw me a family party on Thursday night. My fiancé didn't do anything for my actual birthday, he didn't get me a card or flowers or do anything special. He text me happy birthday and that was about it. I'm 11 weeks pregnant, have been on bed rest (off work) the last 4 weeks due to HG. I'm really upset he didn't do anything because I always go out of my way to make his or anyone's birthday special. I didn't say anything yesterday because I didn't want to ruin my own birthday but I just exploded on him after he tried to make ME feel bad. He said he already does so much for me and even more now becaus I'm sick (we have a 3yo). He has time off alone during the week he could have thought of something. Am I overreacting or does your bf/fiancé/husband  do something special on your birthday, we've been together almost 7 years. Maybe it's the hormones but I'm an emotional wreck 😰