Elderly Man in Safeway; Shot to the Heart

My husband and I were just out grocery shopping when I pulled a wine bottle off the clearance rack to ask my husband if it was a wine he liked. Just as I picked it up, my husband rounded the corner with a beer and placed it in the cart. He had chips, salsa and beer in mind so I prepared to put the wine back just as the very elderly man approached us and pointed to the beer in the cart and the wine in my hand. I could not make out what he was saying so I chuckled and smiled at him. As we moved along, I realized that what he said was either an old silly saying with no intended target or a mean jab at me. He had said something to the effect of, "drink till she's pretty." My heart sank. I struggle with my weight and was just diagnosed with under active thyroid a month ago. Although the medication has improved my energy levels, my weight has only dropped by about 5 pounds because I also really struggle with eating properly...which is something I am working on. While ttc, in the moments when i have probably felt the most in tune and aware of my body...I feel the most unwomanly I have ever felt in my life. Can anybody relate? I know its in my mind, but every time I get the negative test I feel like I am losing a part of my femininity. I DO NOT mean to offend anyone...believe me...I know this is the furtherest thing from the truth. It is just a lie my heart has been guilty of listening to when I have felt at my most vulnerable. And here I sit. Unable to shake that man's commnet. My husband has been supportive and he even saw the pain and tears welling up in me right there amid frozen peas andstring beans. He told me I am beautiful and I am just right for him. My husband was personal trainer for many years and is very fit and that has been a sore spot for me for a long time...feeling like I am not measuring up. It has taken me years to begin to love myself and understand how to treat my body right...and I am realizing it is a life long journey. To make the day worse, I am on aa detox cleanse so all I've had is an apple and my cleansing formula and my period is late and all I've gotten is bfns for nearly a week and my emotions were already on a rollercoaster before this incedent. I am glad I have this forum to rant on, because right now I feel about an inch tall. I just wish someone else's rude comments didn't take me out at the knees so easliy. Im heading to the tub for a nice, long, soak and maybe a cry. And after that, I am going to stand up tall in front of the mirror, look myself square in the eye, and tell that girl starring back at me what i should have told her 15 years ago. That she is beautiful the way God created her, she has a good, precious soul, she is a woman no matter if she is a mom or not, and she is good enough to be here on this planet, just like everybody else. Better than good enough.