How dare you..

Today, I ran into my ex. The ex that I dated before I got with my husband I'm with now.. Me and my husband have been together a total of 5 years
My ex.. He was emotionally and mentally abbusive to me and i got out when I knew it was safe..
So, like I said I ran into him today at a gas station..
I didn't see him at first, or I would have never got out of my vehicle.
He caught me as I was getting ready to pump my gas.. He came walking up and was like look what the cat drug in.. I didn't say a word.
He proceeded to try to get me to interact, I proceeded to ignore him. He asked how I'm doing, he said I bet your lonely arnt you.. You never were much of a pleaser.. Specially since your not in the best shape... But idk, that guy of yours doesn't look much of a man, so maybe he likes ugly women like you. Well that pissed me off.. So I turned around said, well actually.. I've been married for a year now, with the guy who I got with after I left your crazy ass 5 years ago.. And your right, I didn't please you. Why would I want to please someone who threatened to kill me if I left you? Locked me in your basement and everything else. But you can bet your ass I please my man every night, and he loves every single inch of me. And I'm defiantly not lonely, my husband has more man in his pinky toe than you do in whole body. So you can take your crazy ass back to where you came from.. He didn't know what to say to me.. Everyone at the gas station was staring.. He got in his car and left. It felt so good to front him out.