First Parent Scare


This baby has moved like clockwork since the beginning. I felt him the first time and haven't missed a day since, and he's so darn routine! Kicks from 4-7 am, kicks after I eat, kicks from 8-11 pm. Of course there's a lot in between but those are his times. This morning I woke up at 8 am and laid on my left side for a bit (his favorite) but only felt one or two movements. Got up and had breakfast, still nothing. So I ate half a cantaloupe (didn't have any juice) and laid on my left side. Nothing. Promptly burst into tears. My husband came out of the shower and calmed me down. I tried my last ditch attempt, if a shower didn't get him moving we were calling the midwife and going to the hospital. That finally got him going.

I've honestly never been so scared in my life. I know I love this baby, but I really don't think I comprehended how much I love this little person who I have never met until today. I still can't stop tearing up, I feel so overwhelmed right now and he's fine! I truly feel like I started to become a parent this morning.