How ofter does your SO help you with the household?

Just curious because my cousin has a husband who doesnt help her at all in the house and she does everything herself. I never really thought about that because my husband helps me with everything and that doesnt make him less manly. He cooks, he washes the laundry, he cleans everything up, gets up at night for the baby AND works.
I know some people will say "my husband works a lot and thats why I do the whole house dutys" but don't let your husband tell you that. My husband works a lot as well and irregular hours and whenever I tell him to go and rest he just laughs and says we build this family together weather he works a lot or not. I dont even ask him to do stuff he just gets up and does it and he really wasnt like that at all before we moved in together and had all these babies - so whats it like in your household and would you like your SO to help you more?

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