
Shelby • 22 year old bisexual 😏
Not trying to be rude, but the word  "pansexual" has become something entirely different than what it truly was meant to mean.... Pansexual was originally a blanket term for people who didn't want to limit their sexual possibilities by saying they were bisexual. It was always a sort of condecending way to say, "I like all types of people, not just the gender binaries" as if bisexuals discriminated againt trans/non-gender conforming people. 
The word "pansexual". That's pan: all, and sexual: the desire to have sex. Therefore, being pansexual actually has everything to do with sex and genetalia. It has nothing to do with gender identity. It has nothing to do with personality or intelect. 
The word "bisexual". That's bi: two, and sexual: the desire to have sex. Therefore, saying you are bisexual is saying that you are attracted to both penis as well as vagina, regardless of gender identity. 
Pan is the same as bi. If you are using this term to say you aren't attracted to sex organs, then you're not using it right. Go ahead, read up on all the articles and forums on what being pan is. You'll find a bunch of strange answers. But if you disect a word, you can figure out what it really means. 
Being bi is not a bad thing. It is not intolerant to say you like both sexes. Another thing to note is that, although there are many "genders", there are two "sexes". (Yes there are hermaphrodites, too, but that is rare). 
Now, I know many of you reading this are thinking "wow, Shelby's trying to invalidate my sexual identity! She doesn't know me! She doesn't know my life!" Which is true, but I firmly believe that the more labels we make, the more isolated and lonely we become. If we could just stick to as few labels as possible, that would make life so much happier. Why do you need 14 labels? Why do you need to say exactly what types of people you like? The fact is that as you age, the things that attract you change. 
By this society's definition, I guess I would be pansexual, but I personally don't think it's a necessary term. I don't like the term, and I'm not alone in that opinion. I don't limit my sexual or romantic possibilities. When I meet/see a sexy person, I'm attracted to them. 
Stop putting yourself in a box!
Sorry if this was offensive to anyone. I know it will be, but I tried to word it in the most logical way possible in hopes that I might be able to clear up the confusion. 
Am I right? I think so. 
Could I be wrong? Of course! 
Does it matter? Not even a little bit...