29 weeks and peeing blood.???


So before i go into whats going in right now let me say i really dint think that it is baby related. Blood is definitely not coming from my vagina rather it is definitely in my urine.

So i guess the past few days ive noticed that my urine is very clear like water even though i, and im not proud of it, havent been drinking much water i kind of went on a sugary drink binge lol. So i found that strange. Unsure of wether or not its related. So then yesterday at work when i used the restroom i noticed the smallest amount of blood like a needle head size drop on the toilet paper and when i got up my pee was fairly reddish pink i pushed it off now today its still happening my urine is definitely bloody and i think i feel a little discomfort there now.i know.i should call my.ob but it is a sunday and the inly option on their automated system other than leave a message and wait for the next business day is to press 1 if ur in labor so i cant get ahold pf anyone until tomorrow and im not sure what to think or do. My baby is moving around still and i think hes fine but im still worried about this.