
It sounds so dramatic but after losing my first baby at 11 weeks I'm feeling so empty.  It's been 7 weeks since my D&C and the ache remains as painful as ever.  Part of me feels like another pregnancy will help fill the hole, and another part of me feels this hole will remain forever.
I know I'm not alone and that many women go through this, but the isolation, loneliness and emptiness just feel like they'll be there forever.  It's a constant battle of knowing that life goes on and yet feeling like a part of me has died, and there's nothing I can do about it.  I keep waiting to feel like myself again, but I fear that I'll never be the same again.  I am aware of how dramatic that sounds, but I just can't seem to get through a day without it occupying my thoughts.  The sadness of knowing there are so many of us with angel babies is overwhelming, love to all of you going through this.