I'm really pissed right now

So I had a Mmc on 12/1/15 and had to have a d and c. My husbands youngest brother killed himself on Xmas and I told one person in his family I had a Mmc because my mil kept going on and on about my husbands youngest brothers gf that had a mc. We found a note after his death talking about him dealing with this and how he turned to alcohol because he blamed her for being aneroxic and bulimic and causing the death of their unborn child. I kept my Mmc to myself during all this while I was recovering from the loss and told only his other brothers wife because my mil was saying shit about how I wouldn't know about having a mc. Now his brother wife who is 40 is 10 weeks pregnant wtf. She could have told me after I confided this with her. I feel like more of a complete failure physically. I'm so pissed why the fuck did this happen to me... I've had so much really fucked up shit happen in my life. Why couldn't she have the Mmc. She has had the perfect life... Wtf