Second miscarriage

Anna • first was a miscarriage at four months. We named the baby Jacob. Second was a miscarriage, week 4.
My first miscarriage was 6 months ago, I was 4 months pregnant. Miscarriage is something people don't talk about and I felt like I let my son down. I didn't care about anything anymore. I swore I would never forget him. We tried to conceive again and I miscarried at 4 weeks today. My husband is very upset and thought we were blessed with this pregnancy. Life is difficult where some are blessed with babies on the first try and are even having their second without any issues. Why was my baby not blessed like them? Going on Facebook is nothing but babies so it's overwhelming yet still inspiring to see all those blessed families. I have so much joy for all those blessed with the gift to have children and hope they hold them that much tighter. Someday I truly hope we will be blessed with a baby too and I'll never forget the ones I've lost.