Well my boyfriend of 3 years has left me

It hadn't been an easy 3 years but I loved him so I tried really hard to make it work. I thought he was the one. I guess my first clue should have been the fact that he downgraded us to just friend back in 2014. Or maybe when he told me he didn't think he wanted to marry me anymore. Or when he forgot my birthday 2 years in a row. Idk. I have have a problem with holding on I guess. I never know when to let go.

So the be all end all was a few days ago when I asked him how his day was. He told me to fuck off and that he didn't want to talk about it. I said okay but if you ever want to talk about it i am here. He then accused me of not loving him (the reason for that is because i made a post on instagram of me and 3 friends ans the hashtag said #lovethem) The following day he was all sweet and nice. I said don't be fake with me and act like nothing is wrong. You did tell me to fuck off and then accused me of not loving you when all I do is love you. He was all mad and said it was a new day and that I should let it go and he refused to say sorry. Instead he left. (Note I do all that I can for him. He had surgery last year and I took a leave off of my work and lived with him for 5 weeks nursing him back to health. I took his kids to school, I cooked, cleaned, everything!)

So he fired off a text to me telling me to not contact him and that he was done with me and my attitude. I'm surprised. I mean I'm not perfect don't get me wrong but I didn't think I was giving him attitude.

Just heartbroken right now. If anyone can relate or has any advice I'd really appreciate it❤