Feeling better about my stock pile

Still don't have everything I'd like to have but I have a crib, a crib mattress, crib cover and at least one sheet, a bouncer, a key fit car seat to match my key fit stroller, two bases, a second key fit car seat if my parents ever find my daughters old one lol a rocking chair and a couple clothing items, and a moby wrap.  Plus my shower is next week. So I'm feeling pretty good about the necessary items. We still need a co sleeper, and more clothes, bottles, burp clothes, diapers ect. But the huge staple items except for the co sleeper are taken care of. I'm quite happy about that lol. Whew! 
Any other mommies starting to feel better about there late stock piles? 35 weeks I was starting to really freak 😳😬