Missing you so much today Princess.

Mercedes • Had a miscarriage 1/16
It's been three months since we lost you, I miss you so much. I always miss you but some days are just worse than others, today is one of those days. I just want to lay around and cry all day. When people ask how I'm doing after losing you I always says I'm fine but I'm not fine, I can see it in my eyes, even on good days when I'm smiling and laughing my eyes look sad. My heart will never heal from losing you Raelynn. Mommy misses you so much, daddy misses you too, be just doesn't show it the way mommy does. We love and miss you. I know so many people who are pregnant right now and it's so hard to know that I should be feeling you move around inside me. And we should be going to the doctor in 3 weeks to find out that you were a girl(we know she was a girl due to a medium that my stepmother and step sister had). I wish that I was going out buying your crib and little dresses for you. It hurts so badly that I will never feel you moving inside me, having a baby shower, giving birth to you, holding you for the first time, getting to know who you are and who you were going to be, and experience all of your firsts. I was so excited to be your mommy. I miss you princess.