Over it

I'm just so disgusted this month. We did everything right. We started taking supplements, him: fertilaid for men and motility boost me: fertilaid for women and ovaboost, plus 1mg folic acid prescribed by ob gyn. Ive been temping and used opks. We more than hit the key dates. I've had so many symptoms 7 dpo: pinching/pulling behind and below belly button and SEVERE acid reflux that actually had me in tears (the only other time this has ever happened was right before my bfp in January), hot flashes over the next few days, a horrible acne breakout on my chin, sore breasts, nausea, pinching/pulling around right ovary at 11 dpo, frequent urination. Despite all that, I don't FEEL pregnant. Bfn at 12 dpo with fmu. It's just not fair. When I found out I was pregnant in January, we were so happy. We had been trying for 7 months. I just want to be pregnant again. We don't have 7 more months to wait. We're not getting any younger. I'm just so pissed off, hurt and completely frustrated.