4 weeks 4 days.

Does anyone experience constant symptom? 
Such as moodiness , breast tenderness, smells. I ask because only some smells stick out to me and  moodiness is all the time. Breast tenderness and swelling is mostly constant, but no nipple darking yet. I also have been getting a few random nose bleeds, major headaches and fatigue with some signs of weakness and slight dizziness when I take a shower. 
This is my second pregnancy this year. First ended in miscarriage. I have higher hopes this time as I am feel symptoms a lot earlier / stronger and my test came back positive almost 2 weeks earlier than last time. I have already been to the doctor for a blood test get result in the morning. 
So I ask you ladies around the same time frame how do you feel? Do you feel pregnant yet or just the test saying so?