Labor pain... I am afraid


Hello momma's,

I am 28 weeks now and yesterday I went to meet my doc as I ws having severe headache since last 2-3 days.. My doctor was in OT so receptionist sent me thr and asked me to wait outside... When I went thr I cud clearly hear voice of a lady who was delivering her baby... I got so afraid that I cudnt stop my self frm crying... I started crying loudly... Other ppl were staring at me but I cudnt help then my husband took me in lobby and asked me let's wait for the doc here... I m a kind of person who is afraid of injections even.. Till date when I had to take an injection it brings tears to my eyes... Now after yesterday's reality chk I am afraid that I might die due to heart attack during labor pain... I m v v weak person ..I can't even see my anyone in pain... Smtimes of my husband wud cut his finger while chopping vegetables then also I dnt want to see that blood... My husband got furious yesterday n asked me to stay away from our child he doesn't want that they also become emotionally weak like me.... I am so afraid of labor pain now that since yesterday I am thinking if I die during delivering my baby... I knw sm of u won't be able to understand my situation but I m like that bcs my parents are also somewhat like this... This is due to my upbringing... I remember once I went for MRI sscan alone n I was crying AL the time during the scan... Whenever I go for any chk up which involves needle I do cry a lot bcs I get afraid so much... I m 30 yr old and haven't been able to pull the courage in last so many yrs.. I m v successful at work n working in a reputed MNC IT company .. Have lots of frnds and bbeen a mature wife and daughter and daughter in law and employee... But y I m so weak emotionally with respect to medical treatment... M I abnormal??? What shud I do to bcm strong during my labor pain