
I'll make this as short as possible.
On the 3rd I went to the emergency room due to some pretty severe pain in my lower abdomen. I'm 21 weeks pregnant. They admitted me to OB and hooked me up to the machines and everything looked okay. They said that the pain was probably round ligament pain and to take some Tylenol. I went to work and when I was done I went to the restroom and when I wiped it was very very light pink and some brown mark which looked like discharge or lightly dried blood on my underwear. I informed my wife, she checked and decided we should call the doctor back like they told us to do if there was any spotting or bleeding. While making the call to the call center who would route it to the doctor on call I got a beep on the phone. My mother informed me that my grandfather who was 4 hours away where I'm originally from, and whom has been in critical condition for 6 weeks wasn't going to make it and everyone was going to the hospital and that I need to come home. My grandparents basically raised me and I was very upset and crying. The doctor called back and said that the blood is okay as long as it's not bright red or heavy like a period. We went home and tried to make plans to get to my hometown as quickly as possible. I was very stressed out and upset. We got the call at 8pm. We got plans together to leave at 10pm and it's a 4 hour drive. We weren't able to leave until 1am. I got the call at 12:23 that he was gone. I've been very upset and clearly under a large amount of stress but I don't think I've really felt the baby kick since we got here. I've maybe felt her move a little bit but nothing like it was before. I'm really worried but I don't want to worry my wife unless I have to. The funeral is on Friday and I absolutely need to be there but if I don't feel her kick tomorrow I'm thinking I need to go to the hospital. Has anyone else been in this situation? How did it end up for you? Do you think that I'm just not noticing her movement because I'm so stressed out or do you think something is wrong? Please help, and no negativity please. This is my first baby and I don't want anything to go wrong, and the passing of my grandfather is really taking a toll on me so please try and be understanding of my ignorance if I'm displaying any, it is not intentional. Thank you.